Whether in search of a better life and opportunities, escaping poverty, hunger, exploitation and unfair distribution of the world’s resources, or fleeing warfare and persecution, people are forced to migrate. Because of the lack of security and development opportunities, people flee their places of origin, leaving behind their homes, friends, family and memories. Bulgarian society is not unified in terms of its reception of migrants and the notion of supporting and facilitating their integration. We are witnessing the expression of highly negative attitudes by small groups of people who react loudly and ferociously to every occurrence of migrants, and yet such isolated incidents cannot be taken as a characteristic of the entire society
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The MIND Project (Migration. Interconnectedness. Development) is a three-year knowledge-building, advocacy and campaigning project seeking to contribute to a European society that understands the complexities of migration; responds to the challenges with humanity and respect; and values the contribution of everyone working together to have a positive effect on our lives, community and place. The MIND project partners include Caritas organizations in 11 EU member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden as well as Caritas Europa. Integral to the MIND project is the research and preparation of eleven national and one European publication. These publications will serve as advocacy tools for promoting the engagement of European actors and contain recommendations on migration and development at national and EU levels drawing on a solid knowledge and evidence base based on Christian and universal values.
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