Undoubtedly, therefore, Macedonia is a country
at whose portals the intending tourist will
pause long and thoughtfully ; for this reason,
it is hoped that this volume may supply a muchneeded want to those who, having ambled painfully over the cobbles of the Salonika streets,
having toiled under a broiling sun on the arid
plains and the mosquito-bearing swamps of the
Struma, or having assailed the almost impregnable heights of Doiran, find themselves unable
to depict the country, its inhabitants or its climate
precisely as they found them.
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WHILST, in course of time, relatives
and friends of those who fought
with the British Army on the various
fronts will have opportunities of
paying visits to most of the theatres of war
and of reviewing the scenes and surroundings
in which their husbands, sons and brothers
moved and fought, it is extremely doubtful
whether such facilities for introduction to Macedonia will ever be available. There is one paramount reason for this ; for whereas such distant
fields as Palestine and Mesopotamia will in due
time be opened up and exploited by British
enterprise, and rendered safe for travel by
British custodianship, no such happy feature is likely to await Macedonia.
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