First, in March 1961 the Club
of Young Writers was founded, later
renamed as Literary club “Stale Popov”
and two years later in the spring 1963
the magazine “Razvitok” was started. In
the both cases the writer Lazo Karovski
had his own great contribution. This is
mentioned for the continuity with the
other events that is the publishing activity
“Razvitok”, Bitola publishing activity
“Misirkov” later known as BID “Misirkov”
or just “Misirkov”, which unfortunately
does not exist any more just the same as
there is no longer the magazine “Rast”.
For this situation in Bitola there were
objective and subjective reasons. When
we discuss this, before all we mean to the
direct participation of the human factor,
the municipality and the society, all of that
transformed in a Culture community and
its leaders. There was something more
than that.
0 ден
In literary Bitola in the sixties and to
go even further in the literary companies
in the High school, Trade academy and
the Seminary where actively participated
our famous writers (Mite Bogoevski,
Ivan Tocko,Vlado Maleski Radoslav
K.Petkovski Jovan Kostovski and the
Albanian poet and novelist Migeni (Milos
Gerg Nikola) and others, happened several
important events almost one after the
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