“To the gates of the Beloved an ashik-dervish approached
and knocked.
Who is it? – he’s been asked.
It’s me! – he answered.
There is no place for me and you here – was the respond.
The gate remained closed.
After years and years of yearning, the ashik-dervish
came back and knocked on the same gate.
Who is it? – he’s been asked.
The ashik-dervish answered – You!
The gate opened wide before him.“
Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi
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Minutious ritual Fin Amor (courtly troubadour love) has
all the features of the initiatory rite. It is not missing previous
instructions, nor the gradification of the temptation, nor
the pseudo-divine touch, nor the secret, nor the theme of
“symbolic death” followed by a new birth, a new youth
that turns the initiate into another man. Under the veil of
love poetry, troubadour poetry is devotional poetry. It is
not a coincidence that its initiates (followers) called it Gai
Saber, because it is much more than art – it is knowledge
enlightened by the heart, it is Gnosis.
Gèrard de Sède, The Mystery of the Cathars
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