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This is the first general book of travel and description, treating of the rejuvenated Bulgarian
kingdom, to be published in the English language.
Of all the peoples of the Balkan peninsula, the Bulgars are least well known in Europe and America;
and yet it is the universal testimony of the few
foreigners who have learned to know them inti- mately that the inhabitants of M the peasant state,”
although more recently liberated from the oppressive Turkish rule than the other races of the peninsula, have outdistanced the Greeks, the Rumanians,
the Servians, and the Montenegrins in most of the
matters that make for social progress and civili- zation. Illiteracy, for example, is distinctly lower
in Bulgaria than in the other Balkan states. The
Bulgars spend twice as much per inhabitant on
elementary education as the Servians, two and a
half times as much as the Greeks, and three times
as much as the Montenegrins.


The author is under a large debt of gratitude to a score of people in Bulgaria, who have aided him
in the collection and the verification of the facts in
his book; but they must be passed over with a
blanket statement of thanks. Four friends, however, must be named: Mr. Ivan A. Karastoyanoff,
the artistic photographer at Sofia, for many of the
illustrations used in this volume; the Reverend
Elia K. Kutukchieff, of Haskovo, Bulgaria, who
Foreword ix
accompanied the author in his arduous travels in
Bulgaria during the second Balkan war; and Professor Radoslav A. Tsanoff, formerly of Clark University but now of Rice Institute, Houston, Texas,
and Professor Amos W. Farnham, late of the Oswego Normal School, who submitted to the drudgery of reading the proof sheets.
W. S. M.
June 1, 1914.

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